Office Hours
Office Hours
Our office hours are from 7:45 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. each school day.
You can reach us at (705) 869-1651.
If we are helping someone on the other line or if you call outside of office hours, the answering machine will record your message. Please clearly state your name, return phone number and the reason for your call.
If you child will be absent or late, please include the name of your child, the grade or classroom teacher’s name and the reason for the absence along with your name and phone number. We will return your call if required.
The answering machine is checked frequently throughout the day; however, please do not call or send messages to the school later than 1:00pm to inform us of same day alternate pick up arrangements. We cannot guarantee that a late change in plans will be received and delivered to the classroom teacher and your child. A message to the teacher or the main office in the morning is the best way to communicate dismissal plans for that day.