Attendance and Safe Arrival
Regular, punctual attendance is critical to a student’s academic success. While parents have the option of registering children in JK and Kindergarten, once that decision has been made all registered students are required to be at school and should not be absent unnecessarily. We do expect that students who are sick will remain at home to recover and avoid spreading illness to others.
Student Safe Arrival
“A safe arrival program is a system of procedures which are performed together with daily school attendance taking. Parents and guardians are responsible for their children’s safety. The safe arrival program is a mechanism that parents and schools can use to account for any pupil’s unexplained failure to arrive at school.” Excerpt from news release from Ontario Ministry of Education and Training February 2 1999.
Parents are asked to call the office or send an email to [email protected] before 8:30am if their child will be absent or late. It is imperative that the school has the most up-to-date contact information for parents as well as the name of at least one alternative person to contact (friend, neighbour, relative) in the event that the regular contacts cannot be reached when a student is absent.
Late Arrival
Students arriving late to school must report to the office to check in with our Adminstrative Assistant. Students will be sent to class independently or brought to their classrooms by staff during instructional time.
Early Departure
Students are to remain in their classrooms until a parent or designated adult arrives for early pick up. Parents are asked to come to the main entrance, identify themselves to the Administrative Assistant, and either wait outside or in the main office/lobby for students to be brought to them.