Google Translate Limitations Disclaimer

The electronic translation service on the Rainbow District School Board website is provided by Google Translate, a free third-party service.

Rainbow District School Board does not guarantee the accuracy, reliability, correctness or completeness of any translated information.

Translations are generated electronically and are not verified by qualified translators in the language of choice.

The translations are intended to capture the overall intent of the original material presented in English.

Before you act on translated information, please confirm any facts that are important to you or may affect any decisions you make.

Our goal in providing this tool is to make information more accessible to families whose first language is not English.

Thank you.




Children learn best when the significant adults in their lives — parents/guardians, teachers, and other family and community members — work together to encourage and support them. The meaningful involvement of families and support from the community is essential.

All the experiences children have, both in and out of school, help shape their sense of belonging, self-worth and competency, their understanding of the world around them, and their beliefs.

As teachers implement curricula based on real-world problems and information, community partners make valuable contributions by sharing first-hand information about work, hobbies, history, and other personal experiences.

Together, we are better!

Community Use of Schools

A.B. Ellis Public School is an important community partner in Espanola. Our facility is used by Espanola Little Theatre and is available for use by other groups or for private rentals.

If your group is interested in offering activities during the evenings and on weekends using our facility, we want to hear from you.

Community groups can book school facilities through the Community Use of Schools Online Permit Application System.

RDSB - Community Use of Schools Webpage