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Special Education

Special Education

Placement Philosophy and Programming

Rainbow Schools provide quality special education programs and services based on the philosophy that integration should be the norm wherever possible.

While remaining in the regular classroom, exceptional students are most often provided with accommodations, assistance from the resource teacher or itinerant teacher, and ongoing assessments in order to maximize their potential and fulfill their aspirations. Although some parents/guardians choose the option of a self-contained class for their children, the majority of exceptional learners continue to be part of regular classrooms in community schools.

Rainbow District School Board offers a variety of placement options for exceptional students. At A.B. Ellis Public School, we offer Resource Support in the Regular Classroom involving monitoring or withdrawal based on programming needs, and Intensive Support in Self Contained Classrooms for students that meet criteria based on professional assessment results, the Identification Placement Review Committee (IPRC) meeting and the Admission, Review, Dismissal (ARD) process.

Students receiving resource support, for the most part, remain in the regular classroom while under the care of both the school’s special education resource teacher and the classroom teacher. The resource teacher assists the classroom teacher in the development and implementation of the IEP in collaboration with parents/guardians and the student where applicable. The IEP contains strategies for differentiated classroom instruction. At times, the student may be withdrawn from the classroom by the special education teacher or other professional or paraprofessional staff for individual or small group direct support.

Students receiving intensive support have tailored programming provided within one of our three self contained classrooms. The special education self-contained teacher is responsible for the development and implementation of the Individual Education Plan and plans integration opportunities in collaboration with the regular classroom teacher. In most cases an alternative curriculum is offered.

RDSB - Special Education Webpage
Rainbow Schools Special Education Plan 2023-2024

Special Education Team


School Principals and Classroom Teachers as part of the special education team, are involved in the development and implementation of Individual Education Plans (IEPs), including accommodations, learning expectations, teaching strategies, assessment methods and the use of assistive technology.

Special Education Resource Teachers (SERTs) facilitate the identification of and programming for exceptional students. They provide direct and indirect support to exceptional students as well as consult with classroom teachers, central special education staff, parents/guardians and community agencies to plan and implement special education programs and services.

Educational Assistants (EAs) provide support in regular classes or in small group settings in relation to developmental, corrective or care needs of exceptional students. The work of the Educational Assistant is planned and directed by a certified Special Education Resource Teacher.

Professional Support Staff including psychologists, psychometrists, as well as speech and language pathologists, conduct specialized individual student assessments and Board-wide assessments and screenings. They are responsible for providing written reports of assessment, diagnosis and recommendations as well as communicating diagnosis results to parents/guardians and special education school staff, among others.

Special Education Consultants act as a resource to parents/guardians, teachers, Principals and Superintendents in designated schools/areas. These professionals are well versed in matters pertaining to the learning and behavioural needs of students and in the design and implementation of programs for exceptional pupils.